Friday, November 27, 2009

6 Thanksgiving Traditions

I just found this and think it's a fun idea. Especially since our kids are getting older and we can make memories that they will remember in 10 years.
1- Craft your gratitude: Use some concept to show what your kids are thankful for this year. (i.e. hand turkey)
2-Show and thanks: Let your kids to bring items that represent what they are grateful for this year. You may get a glimpse into what items your children truly cherish.
3-Get a jump on Christmas: Dont cheat Thansgiving but after dinner make a fun tradition of Chrismta ornament making or decoration with your kids.
4-Cook up some memories: don't forget to keep family in the forefront while you're cooking up the holiday feast.
5-Can you hear them now? call your relatives that live far away and reqcuaint yourselves.
6-Get off the couch: Do something fun and active with your family outside.

This just gave me some ideas for next year and i thought it was cute. Enjoy!


Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...

Okay, so we totally did most of those. We went on a walk and picked pinecones and sticks for our crafts, we made a gratitude tree with the sticks and wrote on cutout leaves what we were thankful for, talked to grandparents, and totally let max help with the dinner. I LOVE checking off lists!:)

mk said...

Excellent ideas!! LOVE it!!