Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Gingerbread Train

We were very excited to FINALLY put this train together. I bought it before Thanksgiving but told Spencer we couldn't assemble it until we fully appreciated Thanksgiving. We did this as an FHE activity and it was right before bedtime so i wouldn't let Spencer eat any of the candy so i think that took away some of it's fun but we had an enjoyable time and now i have another Christmas decoration.


mk said...

So cute! I want some!!

Liz said...

totally cute! josh and i are going to make gingerbread houses one of these days. we'll post pictures then.

Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...

SO CUTE! We do those on Christmas Eve. We did one at our friends house the other and of course the kids (and Morgan) have eaten all the candy off of it. and frosting.

Jenny said...

I saw a gingerbread house at the store today and wanted to get it so bad! But I like the train WAY more! I love that you're posting! You're crafty! :)