Friday, September 10, 2010

I had a little trouble with the scissors....

I couldn't wait to get started on the fabric mom sent me! Of course, I totally Charlie Browned the skirt I was making and it ended up as this dress. Please PLEASE don't look too closely at it...

By the way, getting a picture of this girl is quite impossible. Not only does she RUN away, she ZIGZAGS as she runs!!


mk said...


Liz said...


Jenny said...

Oh I HATE YOU! I still can't put my dress together. I'm such a retard at stuff like this! Why did I not get the "sewing gene" ???
LOVE the fabric!!!

Norton Family said...

don't worry jen, it skipped me too. linds you are amazing and your little girl is precious! i love those cheeks and can't wait to squuuueeeeeezzzzze em!