Saturday, March 6, 2010

SIX done SIX to go!

OK OK OK. Eli's quilt is almost done. I am just doing the handwork part of the binding. Turned out very cute!! London's skirt is ADORABLE!!


Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...

YAY! I bet you're excited to be done! Max sure LOVES his! Taking it to his stay-late tonight!!

Liz said...

saw this in person and it's very very very cute! are you going to make one for ally?

Jenny said...

Mom, you are so cool- I love that you've developed this talent after all these years.... (I'm not calling you old!)
You're amazing. My fave so far is the one you did Johnny. Love it. And Kate adores hers since it matches with the one you did for CHRISSY!!