Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Crafts

Yea, I am all Valentined out. I think I am going to have to skip St. Patrick's day and just concentrate on Easter because I need a break from all the crafts we've been doing. I didn't even include all the cupcake and cookie decorating we did. Maybe because I'm still so mad at the weight I put on because of it. . .

Valentine BINGO
This is a big hit! I did this to help Max learn his numbers. Helping...

Melted crayon hearts
Max loved using the vegetable peeler for this one.

Love Bug
We painted this old egg carton with Valentine colors and gave him some eyes, voila! I left Max for 5 SECONDS and he painted his whole hand. Learning to be messy from London I think.

The "bags" I made to put their V-day treats in. Not as cute as the fabric ones but SO much easier!

Mail Boxes
So not cute but the kids loved decorating them.

Valentine Butterflies
We cut out butterflies and glued them on clothespins. Max and London loved putting stickers and glitter all over them, quite an activity.


Liz said...

very cute!

mk said...

Very cute. I should be more creative in my lessons. Good ideas!

Norton Family said...

ok can YOU be Spencer's teacher!?! seriously SO adorable!

Anonymous said...
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Jenny said...

oh my goodness! Look at you, little miss everything! Wow!