Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Twirly Skirts

Ok, so they are definitely not perfect and probably not the cutest pattern, but they are something I have wanted to try. At first I looked at the pattern and cringed. I had to read through it SEVERAL times and even as I followed directions, just keep rereading the entire process over again. I think I need projects like this to keep my brain working properly!
The first one (the brown one with the enormous button) took me an entire day to finish, the second one only a few hours. I think if I just keep practicing, maybe I can try an even cuter pattern. Maybe not. We'll see.


mk said...

ADORABLE. Next we are going to try it with PIECED fabric!! I could piece the fabric and you guys can make the skirts. How much fabric does it take?

Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...

Um, 1/4 a yard for top, 1/4 a yard for middle, and 1/2 a yard for bottom. A pieced one would be SUPER cute!

Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...
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Liz said...

so darling!!

Norton Family said...

BEAUTIFUL! i almost wish i had a girl to wear them. seriously so adorable though.

Jenny said...


Criscell said...

Ha ha! So, I'm sitting here looking at your cute blog and I realized that I just bought that exact fabric to use! Great minds think alike! I'm excited to learn how to make them. Thanks for teaching me!