Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dear Sisters

Dear sisters,

I would like to have a place we can put up pictures of our fun crafts and ideas. I don’t know- is it too much? I would think just taking pictures and having somewhere to show them off would be nice. No words required.

Love, Jenn


Liz said...

i can't be crafty while i'm in school!! can i just post pictures of my kitties?

Jenny said...

yes. but that seems to be more what Lewwisgirls is for. And I will be lame and putting up how I decorate my house- that counts as a "project" don'tcha think?

mk said...

LOVE this idea!! Love your work and your picture!!

Morgan, Lindsay, Max and London said...

I LOVE this idea! Something you are working on could be anything, about papers and stuff if you want;) And Trace-talk about books you're reading! LOVE this, Jenn! Except, I don't want my stuff to get compared to yours...I had better get better...

Norton Family said...

Again.... i'm so NOT crafty but i would LOVE enjoying looking at all of your stuff. I'm such a party pooper.