Thursday, December 10, 2009

Finally finished

We made these at our Super Saturday a few, er, months ago. I finally got the hooks on it and hung it up. I have yet to get my cute little ballerina stocking on it, though...

Thanks, Jenn!!

LOVE IT! I have it in my entryway, SO CUTE!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

go ahead and steal this idea

decorating the mantle for christmas, liz-style:

this is about the extent of my creativity with the schedule i have.

happy holidays kids.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Why I do what I do...

My most treasured Christmas decoration.

I love it. My mom made this for my (biological) dad's mom. It has been "handed down" to me. My mom is incredibly talented.

I made this one for myself after I made the one for Ida. I know it was something she loved because, since I didn't sign it, she never remembered who made it for her but she always had it out. So it reminds me of her.

Thanks, MOM! And, Thanks Grandma Hess.

(And, I miss you Ida. Please watch over Ole especially close. He misses you a lot.)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Gingerbread Train

We were very excited to FINALLY put this train together. I bought it before Thanksgiving but told Spencer we couldn't assemble it until we fully appreciated Thanksgiving. We did this as an FHE activity and it was right before bedtime so i wouldn't let Spencer eat any of the candy so i think that took away some of it's fun but we had an enjoyable time and now i have another Christmas decoration.

Friday, November 27, 2009

6 Thanksgiving Traditions

I just found this and think it's a fun idea. Especially since our kids are getting older and we can make memories that they will remember in 10 years.
1- Craft your gratitude: Use some concept to show what your kids are thankful for this year. (i.e. hand turkey)
2-Show and thanks: Let your kids to bring items that represent what they are grateful for this year. You may get a glimpse into what items your children truly cherish.
3-Get a jump on Christmas: Dont cheat Thansgiving but after dinner make a fun tradition of Chrismta ornament making or decoration with your kids.
4-Cook up some memories: don't forget to keep family in the forefront while you're cooking up the holiday feast.
5-Can you hear them now? call your relatives that live far away and reqcuaint yourselves.
6-Get off the couch: Do something fun and active with your family outside.

This just gave me some ideas for next year and i thought it was cute. Enjoy!

Thanksgiving Crafts

With all this "craft" talk going on it inspired me to do at least something for Thanksgiving. i have pumpkin decorations for this holiday and i thought it would be fun to have Spencer and I work on a project. Unfortunately the cutout was too small for him to cut out so Aaron and I did that and Spencer did the gluing and model for the hands. Aaron and I actually did the Indian people and had fun.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Better late than never....

Well FINALLY I am posting to the new blog. I finished runner #8. Pretty darn proud. Remember the quality got better each time. I had so much fun making these!! Can't wait til next year to pull it out!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The extent of my "craftiness"

I would love to take credit for making this but i totally bought it! so i get credit for having good taste. I love seeing it when i get home. it makes me happy to read it.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tag, sisters. (It's an easy one)

I hate having nothing cute to put on my door. And, since it's red, my cute heart that I had in Logan no longer is works. (Seeing how it's camo'ed and everything.)

So I got this pumpkin from Wood Connection and had Codye cut it into 3 pieces and I just went from there. I think it turned out rather adorable! :)

I think for Christmas I'll try to do a snowflake, no, a snow man. That would be ADORABLE! Anyway. This is my door this month. What do YOUR doors look like???

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Gobble til you Wobble!

The ribbon is actually a lot cuter in person. It's brown with a sparkly orange tint. I'm LOVING Thanksgiving decorations!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

When Do I put this Up?

Technically Winter doesn't begin until Dec. 21st. So... Do I have to wait until then to hang this? Because the Autumn one is just too cute to take down until after Thanksgiving. Hmmm.....

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tutu cute!

You can see where I got the idea here.
It was tons of fun to make and I can't wait to start working on her Christmas skirt!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Finished product

I REALLY don't like comparing my stitching with yours, Jenn. At all. But here is my version of the Gratitude stitch I told you I would post. Can't wait, my next post is going to be the Gobble til you Wobble one....:)

All of them...

how I've displayed them...

Hee hee. In front of the shared bounties one, I put my candy dish...aren't I clever?!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Just a few things I've been wanting to show off...

Love, Tracie...

one of my 1st stitches

a personal fave.
dang it, I knew johnny should have dressed up like woody for halloween
(that is my subtle way of saying DADDY is FRANKENSTEIN!)

my cute boo letters. and my ghosts in honor of my Ida.

Something to see when you first walk in the door. Not a personal fave, but I didn't have a choice of the letters.

this will be so cute, if I ever finish.

LOVE sparkle mod podge. Love it.

My latest.

I wanna see your guys' stuff! Get crackin'!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dear Sisters

Dear sisters,

I would like to have a place we can put up pictures of our fun crafts and ideas. I don’t know- is it too much? I would think just taking pictures and having somewhere to show them off would be nice. No words required.

Love, Jenn