Monday, June 21, 2010

Just a few small things...

We have been involved in SO MANY projects lately, it's been hard keeping track of them all, let alone blogging about them! But we'll try to give a small glimpse of what's been happening...

This is the "Before" Picture.

The walls in our living room were this awful AZTEC GOLD. Didn't really fit my style...

This is the "After" picture.
A nice Windsor Greige background and faux wood
shutters were way more me!

BEFORE: The legs off a table I got at the D.I. (my new favorite store)

and the actual table I got at the D.I.
After: The finished table. (It even has a leaf!)

Kate FINALLY got her name thing thanks to my cute neighbor, Chelsey, whom I use for everything (from painting my walls to cutting me vinyl letters. She's a doll.)

This clock has been traveling around with me for at least 9 years. I am sure I have a picture of it "before" I totally pimped it out and made it the most rockin' Jasmine clock on the planet... Kate loves it. And I made it. :)