Friday, April 23, 2010

Blessing #2,609

You can't really see the detail on this frame (and, it isn't a circle. It's oval), but it's FANCY and I needed some fancy pictures to put in it. Fortunately for me, my sister (Linds) is very crafty and sent Kate this adorable tutu for her b-day. AND my mother-in-law (or "moil") wanted to do a photo shoot. I am so excited to put this up- it turned out so cute. :)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Fishing for Primary songs

ok so compared to you guys i am lacking in the sewing.... outdoors.... holiday crafts ... painting... i could seriously go on and on. i do have occaional "crafty moments" though and i try to take advantage of them when i do. so.... out of one of my many lesson books i found these little fishy. i lamenated them and put primary song titles on the back. Since we are a little behind in our scripture reading i also put the scriptures that go with each of these songs. I wanted to do this daily but it never works out that way so we try and do it for FHE. it's so fun!! Especially if it's a new song because we can spend more time learning it and spencer's voice just makes your melt. I found a bunch of Fliparts of for a lot of the primary songs and have them to help teach us the workds to the new songs.
The Noah's ark goes with the primary song "Follow the prophet." On the back of the animals is a different prophet in that song along with the scripture of the prophets more familiar story. the primary song fish go at the bottom of the ark and i leave it up everyday.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

We're still here

Even with all our little projects going on around the house, we haven't forgotten to take the time to feed the birds....

Sorry to be so bad about posting. Can't wait for MAY!!
-jenn & fam