Monday, January 25, 2010

Valentine Countdown

So, I saw this on someone's blog and thought it was really cute. You just put cute little sayings on the back of each pebble, things like, make valentine cookies, tell soemone you love them, etc. I put vinyl stickers on the backs and mod podged a box of chocolates. I think it could be way cuter, but I just did it with stuff I had around the house and with the idea that the kids would probably tear it apart. Here is the link to where I got the idea, hers is WAY cuter! Still, I like the idea because there are soooo many fun things to do around Valentine's but it makes it a little bit more spaced out. Plus it's always fun to have another Valentine's decoration!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

2009 Book Tally

Ok the numbers are in and I am proud to report that i've reached my Reading goal of 42 books for the year. Yep, you read that right...42 books. I will admit to re-reading some personal favorites but the rest were new. And after completing this magnificent volume i am sad to report that i only enjoyed about 1/2 of them. I'm sick of reading books that i have to cross out naughty words or have no interest in only after i bought it. So for 2010 my new goal will be focusing on "Quality instead of Quantity."

Here are my favorites of the year and would ask you for yours.

1-"A Bride most Begrudging" Deeanne Gist. (good CLEAN romance)
2-"Four Spirits" Sena-Jester Naskund. (Her books are rather lengthy but this one is Alabama during the 60's. Fantastic relationship between races.)
3-"Emma" Anita Stansfield. (Emmas Smith's story.)
4-"The Partner" John Grisham. (he gets off but will he get the girl & the $$ he stole?)
5-"The Porter Rockwell Chronicles" Richard Lloyd Dewey. (i finished it in like 2 days. i loved it and can't wait to get the rest.)hint hint my relatives who live in Utah
6-"The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society" Mary Ann Shaffer. 2009 Fave (Journal entry writing. fun characters and interesting subject.)
7-"Dear John" Nicholas Sparks. (a different kind of love story)
8-"BOOK OF MORMON" Need i say more?
9-"The women who knew Hitler" Ian Sayer.(Answers the age old question "who could ever love a butcher?")
10-"The Measure of a Lady" Deeanne Gist. (Gold rush boom in CA and being the only Lady in the state.)
11-"New Moon" Stephenie Meyer.(better the 2nd time around.) I'm still an Edward fan.
12-17 Janet Evanovich Stephanie Plum classics
18-"Picture Bride" Yoshiko Uchida. (Arranged marriages/Japanese culture in CA during WWII.)
19-"Mr and Mrs Fitzwilliam Darcy" Sharon LAthan. (Sappy romance but you fall in love with Mr. Darcy all over again. That is if you can stomach their verbal love for each other.)
20-"Grace" by Richard Paul Evans. (Teenage relationships/abusive home life.)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Twirly Skirts

Ok, so they are definitely not perfect and probably not the cutest pattern, but they are something I have wanted to try. At first I looked at the pattern and cringed. I had to read through it SEVERAL times and even as I followed directions, just keep rereading the entire process over again. I think I need projects like this to keep my brain working properly!
The first one (the brown one with the enormous button) took me an entire day to finish, the second one only a few hours. I think if I just keep practicing, maybe I can try an even cuter pattern. Maybe not. We'll see.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Scripture Scouts

Hey, I don't know if you guys liked these cds, but here's a link to scripture scouts with stuff from the stories...